
LQ: 7.7


Brain grade: 7.4
Fun score: 8

Game Type: ESRB Rating: Teen Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 12+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:

Moon is set in 2058 during the building of a lunar base on the moon. Communications have been lost to one of the base’s outposts, and Major Kane is sent to investigate. Players control Kane as he explores the base’s underground passageways, using the DS touch screen to navigate corridors, blast away mechanical foes, and ultimately discover the true purpose of the facility. Due to the game’s mild violence, eerie atmosphere, and basic reading requirements, it is recommended only to players ages 12 and up.

This Game is Good for Kids Who Need Help With:

Working Memory

Recalling and retaining information in our minds while working.

Moon is a game that requires frequent back-tracking, tasking players with retracing their steps through the winding corridors of an underground lunar facility. Players will have to correctly navigate paths and revisit many locations throughout the game. For instance, players may have to travel through numerous rooms and corridors to unlock a new area, but the entrance to the newly unlocked area may be back where they began. If they fail to navigate back correctlythey could end up lost. In order to succeed, players must absorb the environment around them as they explore, actively recalling where they are as they travel through the game's countless corridors.


Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

In Moon, players traverse a dangerous underground moon base that is filled with obstacles, hidden passageways and enemies. As such, they will often need to concentrate on several things at once while playing. Early in the game, for example, players receive the Remote Access Droid, a small robot that can explore areas that the player's character, Major Kane, cannot access. When the droid is used, players control the machine's actions, and lose control of Kane. However, Kane is still vulnerable to attack during this time, and has no way to defend himself without players' assistance. Therefore, players must keep an eye on Kane's health meter and their surroundings as they explore in the droid, and must be ready to switch quickly between the two characters as needed. Combat in Moon is fast-paced as well, and demands a high level of focus from players as they doge, maneuver and attack. The need for such such skills is especially important against the game's challenging boss battles.

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