Sue’s Focus Travels
LQ: 7.95
Recommended Age: 4+
Skills Used: Focus, Time Management, Mathematics, Writing
MimioSprout is web-based software designed to help young children acquire the skills and knowledge to become proficient readers. MimioSprout is a companion to MimioReading, offering software for a younger age range — from young children learning letters and sounds, to early grade-school children learning to sharpen their reading comprehension. Parents and teachers are given a number of tools to keep track of their children’s progress, including detailed reports after each completed “episode.” The software is centered around fun animations and mini-games which help to teach children through visual and audio information while seeking to complete a series of tasks. Each episode works to introduce a lesson, deploy the lesson, and review the lesson to ensure the child absorbs the new information. This app contains no inappropriate content, is easy to use, and is great for children in varying stages of learning to read, making use of the app recommended with children ages 3 to 7.
Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.
MimioSprout helps users practice the Focus thinking skill using a variety of methods. Each lesson deploys a number of techniques to help users learn new sounds, identify the these sounds in a variety of words, and then form words using combinations of the different sounds. MimioSprout encourages users to focus by gamifying the learning experience. Users are asked to help a character complete a task by correctly selecting a series of words or sounds. Failure to successfully answer a question can result in the user being forced to begin the "game" again. Working to achieve a specific goal helps users concentrate on the reading related task. MimioSprout also encourages focus by continually repeating instructions and information until the user reacts, helping to prevent distractions or idle time.
Recalling and retaining information in our mind while working.
MimioSprout helps users commit information and new lessons to memory through repetition and review. New information is presented both visually and audibly, repeating several times during each mini-game. Users are asked to begin by identifying a letter or letters while listening to the sound the letter or letters makes, followed by identifying these sounds in the context of words. MimioSprout asks users to repeat this process using a number of methods. As each lesson builds on the last, users are asked to utilize the sounds and information repeated in the previous lesson. This process of introduction, repetition, and review exercises the user's Working Memory thinking skill while providing the tools and information necessary for beginning readers.
MimioSprout gives new and beginning readers basic instruction on how words are formed and the sounds that different letters and letter combinations make. Users will practice the basic components to reading while striving to complete a series of mini-games involving MiniSprout's alien friends. Using repetition, audio, and visual information, this program helps provide a foundation for beginning readers to be able to identify and correctly pronounce letters and letter combinations in words. MimioSprout is an excellent supplement to classroom activity, or a great way for users to get ahead before entering primary school.
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