Bloons Tower Defense 4

LQ: 8.2


Brain grade: 7.5
Fun score: 8.4

Bloons Tower Defense 4 - Educational Game Review image 1
Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 7+ Thinking Skills Used: ,


In Bloons Tower Defense 4, players are tasked with setting up defenses on a map in an effort to stop a stream of balloons from passing across the screen. At first, players use very simple defenses, but earn money to unlock new powers as the game progresses. The colors of the balloons represents how hard they are to pop, with some balloons requiring heavy attacks in order to be defeated. As the levels become harder, more balloons race through the screen, some of which split into more balloons when popped. The game features no inappropriate content, and reading skills are only used to navigate menus and select towers. Due to the inoffensive content and minimal reading requirements, Bloons Tower Defense 4 is recommended to players ages 7 and up.

this game is good for kids who need help with:


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

Bloons Tower Defense 4 requires players to form a strategy against seemingly endless waves of balloons. To do that, they will need to plan out a defensive strategy. This means choosing what towers are best suited for the situation, deciding where to place them, and then choosing which ones to upgrade first. Players earn money as they play, which must be used wisely to strengthen defenses. If they spend their money on something useless, they may end up broke and defeated.


Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

Each wave of balloons presents players with a different set of challenges. Early waves are populated by slow-moving red and blue balloons, and require only a couple of well-placed dart-monkey towers to defeat. Later waves become much more complicated, introducing balloons that move much faster, some of which break into many smaller balloons upon popping or are immune to explosions and ice attacks. Players must pay close attention to the types and number of balloons they are dealing with and alter their tactics accordingly. If they do not, they'll quickly become overwhelmed.

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