LQ: 9.15
Recommended Age: 10+
Skills Used: Planning, Working Memory, Mathematics, Reading
In Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack In Time, the player takes on the role of Ratchet, the sole survivor of the Lombax race who must scour the galaxy in search of his kidnapped sidekick, Clank. Ratchet travels to various exotic planets on his quest, acquiring all kinds of wacky weaponry along the way. In order to succeed, the player must master a variety of these goofy weapons and gadgets, fighting enemies and gathering “bolts” to upgrade his powers and purchase new items. Bolts can be collected by defeating enemies or by destroying crates. Combat involves mild cartoon violence against robots and aliens, but it is never gratuitous. Reading is helpful for understanding item descriptions and navigating menus, but voice-acting instructions are used throughout the game. Due to the game’s mild cartoon violence and mischievous tone, Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack In Time is recommended to players ages 9 and up.
Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.
At the beginning of Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time, the player has only two weapons, a blaster and a wrench. The wrench is a weak melee weapon, and the blaster quickly runs out of ammo, so the player will need to constantly add new weapons to his arsenal. By collecting bolts, he can upgrade and buy new weapons. Each weapon and gadget in the game is unique, and must be used in a special way. For example, the blaster can take out enemies from afar, while the bomb launcher is better for close-range combat. There is even a gun made out of a burping animal, whose sonic burps knock down enemies with a sound wave. By using all of the powers at his disposal and remaining flexible in his tactics, the player will be better equipped to take on the game's wide variety of other-worldly enemies.
Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.
As much as Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time is about upgrading your offensive fire power, it is also about playing smart defense. The game encompasses a wide variety of enemies, each with their own unique attacks. The pace of the game is fast, requiring the player to constantly anticipate and dodge enemy attacks. Losing the position of an enemy or failing to anticipate an attack can mean game over for the player. In order to be effective, the player must jump, strafe, and dodge enemy attacks while simultaneously picking the right time to strike. A player who pays sharp attention to the hectic activity on the battlefield will more easily progress through the game, while an inattentive player who blasts away without much strategy will struggle.
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