Kinect Sports Season Two: Darts

LQ: 7.8


Brain grade: 7.7
Fun score: 7.9

Kinect Sports Season Two: Darts - Educational Game Review image 1
Game Type: ESRB Rating: Everyone Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Other Requirements: Microsoft Kinect Thinking Skills Used: ,

In Kinect Sports Season 2: Darts players will use motion controls to mimic throwing darts at a virtual dart board. The board is divided into sections, with each one valued at a different amount points. The player will start with 100 points, and throw darts to subtract from that score until he reaches zero. For example, if a player only has twenty points left, he should throw a dart at a section worth twenty or more points. Sometimes a section will be marked with a golden hue, denoting that it is worth double. However, despite being worth more, these sections are usually small and difficult to hit. A bonus round is also available where the goal is to pop balloons placed around a mascot stuck to the board. This game is recommended for kids ages 6 and up because there is no violence, and only basic math skills are needed to subtract points.



Managing our actions, feelings and behaviors.

A throw from a steady hand will have a better chance at hitting the desired section, so the player should take his time, and resist the urge to throw impulsively without thinking. This way the player can aim better at the target he wants to hit, and be more apt to score in a section worth more points. Even a slight twist of the wrist can cause the player to miss, and thereby decrease his score. Thus a steady, controlled motion is needed in order to aim well and better the player's chance to earn more points.


Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

The player will need to be able to gauge what he is doing wrong and make an estimate on how to improve his throws. If the player is throwing the dart too low, for example, he will need to realize if he needs to use more power, or perhaps aim a bit higher. If the player is making good throws, he will need to be able to identify what it is he is doing well, and keep that strategy going for the entire round. Being able to amend one's strategy and identify working tactics is key to winning.

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