Focus Skills and ADHD: What Every Parent Needs to Know

focus skills and adhd

Kids with attention issues commonly have difficulty in the presence of distractions, and in today’s digital world, distractions are just a tap or click away. With so much instantly at their fingertips in a moments notice, its harder than ever for kids to stay on task. Continued attention issues can lead to problems sustaining and maintaining effort during important tasks, difficulty following multi-step directions, trouble recalling information, and problems remembering material that has been read.

Children with ADHD or attention problems can often become so absorbed with the activities they find interesting, that mustering up the motivation or effort to focus on less-stimulating activities can seem difficult. This can lead to children losing track of how much time they have spent on leisure activities, running out of time to do homework, and a failure to sustain concentration and attention to a task over extended periods of time.

Sings of potential ADHD concerns include difficulty with following through on instructions, problems organizing tasks and activities, problems sustaining attention during tasks, restlessness and excessive movement, high levels of activity and physical and verbal impulsivity.

Many children who do not have diagnosable ADHD can still experience mild difficulties paying attention, following directions, and staying on task. While these Alternative Learners may not need the same level of intervention that a child with ADHD does, many technological and academic strategies can still be very helpful.

Below, you’ll find a collection of resources on Focus and ADHD, which shows how digital media can be a positive force for kids with attention issues, offering a variety of apps and online tools that can help keep kids attentive and make learning more interactive and fun.

Learn More About Focus Skills and ADHD:

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