10 Helpful Apps for Children With Special Needs

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Parents of children with learning disabilities and other special needs know better than anyone that all children do not learn the same. From language difficulties stemming from dyslexia, to attention issues caused by ADHD and communication challenges faced by some with autism spectrum disorders, alternative learners each have their own unique obstacles to overcome, Fortunately, there are some great apps for children with special needs that parents can use to help mitigate such issues.

Below you’ll find some of our top recommendations for apps that help kids facing unique developmental and learning challenges. The following selection of apps and games offer ways to boost focus, build organization and time management skills, address language issues and assist in the unique communication needs of certain children diagnosed with autism. For more information on any of the apps, click the title to be taken to our full write-up and guide.

Great Apps for Children With Special Needs


  • Any.Do & Cal Created by the same developer, these two apps work hand-in-hand to create a powerful task-management and scheduling duo. See our Any.do and Cal reviews for more.
  • InClass – For a more academic approach to managing tasks, InClass offers older students a great way to manage their class duties and deadlines. Check out our InClass review for tips and guidance.
  • Amazing Alex – This excellent puzzle game tasks players with carefully planning out chain reactions using Rube Goldberg-style contraptions. It a great tool for exercising the key the cognitive thinking skills with which ADHD children commonly struggle, as our Amazing Alex review explains.


  • AutisMate – Augmentative alternative communication (AAC) devices can be extremely helpful for children dealing with the challenges of autism and language difficulties. AutsimMate is one of our favorite AAC apps available, and offers highly functional ways to aid ASD children in their home and school life. See our AutsiMate review, or check out our round-up of AAC apps for more options.
  • Go Go Games – An app designed specifically for young children diagnosed with autsim spectrum disorders, this fun interactive apps has children completing games made to teach basic visual differential skills. Find out how in our Go Go Games review.
  • FindMe – FindMe is an app made to teach basic observational and social skills to young kids with autism spectrum disorders, helping them learn to focus on people rather than objects, toys and animals. Our FindMe review has all the details.


  • openWeb – openWeb is a mobile web browser that can automatically reformat web pages to make them easier to decode for dyslexic readers. It does this using the “OpenDyslexia” font, which helps makes words and letters more easily identifiable. See our openWeb review for usage guidance.
  • Dyscalculator – Children with dyscalculia — the mathematical offshoot of dyslexia — will find great aid and support in this calculator apps designed specifically with their needs in mind. See our Dyscalculator review for more information.
  • Scribblenauts Remix – Practicing proper spelling and developing a larger vocabulary can be greatly beneficial for children dealing with dyslexia. Head on over to our Scribblenuts Remix review to see how the game helps make improving such skills fun.

Want to learn more? Head on over to our alternative learners page or more information, recommendations and guides for parents of children with special needs.

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