5 Best Time Management Apps for Students

Teach a Child to Keep Track of Time

With so much emphasis placed on extra-curricular activities by university admissions, it’s becoming increasingly important for children to start filling out academic schedules that cover more than just schoolwork. Time Management apps for students help manage obligations by featuring reminders, timers, notes and calendars to help students stay up to date with their workflow. Good time management skills keep children from procrastinating and feeling rushed — two factors that ultimately contribute to unsatisfactory work.

The app stores are flooded with utilities for managing time and schedules, but vary widely in functionality, purpose and quality. We’ve put together a list of some of the best time management tools, ones which hold special value for students. So, read on to find the apps best fit for your child’s needs.

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Our 5 Best Time Management Apps for Students:



inClass is designed for students who are older — middle school and high school age. It certainly can be implemented in other grade levels, but the language used: “semester,” “coursework,” “labs” lends itself to an older age group. The app enables children to attach recorded content, word documents, PDF files, and notes to each reminder, giving each task a detailed description. Children can even assign priorities to reminders, so they know exactly where to begin when they take out their homework. inClass also allows children to create specific blocks of time for an activity or subject, helping them to stay on task, as well as making them aware when they should be moving on to the next task.



myHomework’s functionality is very similar to that of inClass, although it requires a bit more input from the children who use it. The app is separated into three categories: Calendar, Homework, and Classes. Children should make sure to enter each assignment, commitment, or upcoming exam into all three categories. Content can be synced from a desktop computer to a mobile device, allowing children access and enter information on-the-go and from the home. Because the app looks like a notebook, implementing its use for the classroom setting seamless transition, as it bridges digital and more traditional schooling aesthetics into one of the better multi-functional time management apps for students.

mytime Organizer

mytime Organizer:

While inClass and myHomework are time management apps for students that were designed specifically for use in the classroom, mytime Organizer helps does not restrict its use to a single demographic; it is just as functional for students, professionals, and parents. Children enter their schedules into the “projects” folders, creating separate folders for each subject. Each “project” is given a time limit, and as soon as children click the task, the countdown begins. Once children get comfortable with the amount of time it takes them to do certain types of homework, they will be able to create blocks of time in which they can be most productive. It might take some time to get used to doing work while glancing at a timer, but it’s a necessary skill to learn, especially for children who will be taking the SATs, or any timed exam.

Tempo Smart Calculator

Tempo Smart Calendar:

Probably the most robust of off time management apps for students, Tempo Smart Calendar is more like a personal assistant than an app. It consolidates childrens’ calendars, social media accounts, contacts, and emails, creating a cross-referenced collection of all scheduling concerns. The app is highly social because its alerts system will not only familiarize users with their own schedules, but with let friends, family and co-workers know and scheduling or timing issues that arise. Alerts can be set to at or up to 1 day prior to an event. If running late, children can send a preset “running late” message via text or email to family or friends awaiting their arrival. Tempo is ideal for children who have busy schedules.

Google Calendar

Google Calendar:

Google Calendar’s block scheduling design makes it easy to organize a schedule. Color coded boxes, present reminders, alerts, and the ability to sync directly to the Google Calendar app for mobile devices. Its one of the best time management apps for students because it’s so visually appealing, as subjects receive individual color coordination. And because children are able to see exactly what it is they must accomplish in a particular week or day, they can go about planning their method for carrying out their tasks (and possibly doing so with some of the apps listed above.

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3 thoughts on “5 Best Time Management Apps for Students

  1. I have written before. My question is can you make these apps available for people with TBI?


    Sandra Destrempes

  2. Another app that’s worth recommending is kanbantool.com . It’s a wonderful time management tool that can also be used to manage work. I think it’s good to know tools that can be used later in life too.

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