Star Ocean: The Last Hope

LQ: 8.5


Brain grade: 8.2
Fun score: 8.8

Game Type: ESRB Rating: Teen Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 13+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

In this futuristic role-playing game, players control Edge Maverick and his crew as they explore the galaxy in search for new inhabitable planets, battling enemies along the way. Battles take place in real time with up to four characters being controlled simultaneously by the player. Taking command of the crew, players decide what equipment to outfit characters with, how to develop their skills and abilities, and how to manage their actions in battle. While in battle, the player controls each character’s movements and attacks, maneuvering strategically while looking for weaknesses in the game’s strange and powerful enemies. This game features a moderate amount of fantasy violence with mature themes and language. It is recommended for players ages 13 and up.

This game is good for kids who need help with:


Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task. Organizing ideas.

This game is good for kids who need help practicing good Organization skills, as the player must manage the inventory of each character, as well as develop the skills and abilities of everyone in his crew. This is essential for battle, as it is important that all of the characters skills and abilities compliment each other. For example, some characters support other characters with healing abilities, while others can deliver offensively with strong direct attacks, while another can be skilled at ranged attacks. The game features a weapon creation system, requiring the player to gather materials to combine into new weapons. If the player fails to successfully organize his crew, inventory and equipment, his characters won't be optimized for battle.


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

Much of the time spent playing Star Ocean:The Last Hope will be in combat, and no two battles will truly feel alike. Battles are fast paced and enemies differ in strengths and abilities as much as Edge Maverick and his crew. This makes battles a frantic flux of simultaneously managing attacks, spells, items, and special abilities of up to four characters on the team. Because each character has different strengths and weaknesses, switching between them is necessary, as the conditions in battle constantly change. Adapting quickly and thinking fast can help players get the upper hand in battle, which in turn allows them to level-up quickly. Also, if players do not succeed in a particularly difficult battle -- such as a boss fight -- replaying the fight with a new strategy is an excellent way to practice flexible thinking, and can serve to benefit players immensely.

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