
LQ: 7.3


Brain grade: 6.5
Fun score: 8.0

ControlShift - Educational Game Review image 1
Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: ,
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LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: ,


ControlShift is a retro space themed typing game where players must stop invading enemy drones from by typing a series of letter, numbers, and words as fast as they can. The drones move at different speeds. Players control a large spacecraft which fires missiles at oncoming drones when players type letters. Drones that carry longer words tend to move slower, while those with short combinations of letters and single numbers move very quickly across the screen. As players progress through the game, more and more words and letters appear on the screen. It becomes increasingly difficult to keep up with that pace with which words move right to left. ControlShift is hardly violent, as its pixelated cartoonish graphics offset the the fact that the player controlled craft is shooting missiles. It is easy to pick up and recommended for children ages 4 and older.


this game is good for kids who need help with:


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

It takes careful planning and quick thinking in order to achieve the highest scores in ControlShift. Players need to be mindful of both the speed and position of enemy drones before they break the weak protection of the ship. If more than three enemies pass through the players' spaceship, then the game is over. Because there is such variation of strength among the enemies, players need to develop a systematic approach to eliminating them. It would be wise for players to rid the playing screen of the smaller, faster words and numbers first. As soon as they see a word less than four letters on the screen, they should eliminate it immediately. Longer words, though at first more imposing, do not carry the same long term threat. Players have ample time to clear the screen of longer words by typing them correctly after removing the faster drones. Players should not lose sight of this plan when countless enemy drones fill the screen. Taking the words one at a time, and executing the gameplan will result in higher success. It is when players panic, and just type the first words they see that they fall into trouble.

Time Management

Being efficient and aware of our use of time and effort.

In ControlShift, players are not racing random opponents like some typing games. There is no gameclock. Essentially players must extend the amount of time that they play the game. The goal is to achieve a high score. Players must realize that eventually the enemies will overpower the ship. Understanding this point is critical, as players will then make the best use of their time. A keen awareness of the finite amount of time will help players execute their gameplay with commitment. There are time constraints, as larger quantities enemy drones begin to approach the spaceship. Players must avoid the panic that often accompanies the rush to type and eliminate the drones. Players must learn to work quickly, efficiently, and accurately under pressure from time.

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