Aperture Desk Job
LQ: 8.8
Recommended Age: 8+
Skills Used: Focus, Working Memory, Reading
This is the Only Level TOO tasks players with leading an elephant to the exit of the room. In the middle of the room is a big red button, which usually opens the exit. Players have to avoid the spikes and get to the button, then get to the exit. Each level takes place in the same room, but the controls and game mechanics change, causing every level to look the same but play unlike any other. There is no offensive content in the game, and no reading or math skills are required, so This is the Only Level TOO is recommended for players ages 6 and up.
Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.
No level plays like another in This is the Only Level TOO. Players are constantly exploring new ways to interact with the game. Just because something worked in a previous level does not mean it works in the next. Touching the spikes in one level may mean you lose, while in others it does not. The red button may open the door to the exit in one level, while in others it may do nothing. The only hints they will be given as to how the level has changed will come from the name of each new stage. For example, in the stage named "Anti-Gravity," players will unlock the gate at the end of the level by pressing the red button, but this will also reverse the gravity of the map. In order to win, players need to constantly rediscover the game, and re-imagine the ways they interact with it.
Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.
Many of the levels in the game are pretty tricky, and players often find themselves stuck with no clue what to do next. The only hint is the level title, which does not always help very much. Players will find themselves trying anything and everything to figure out how to open the gate each time around. Using their Focus skills, players will need to really center their attention and effort towards small changes in the level, so that they can figure out what they need to do next. Keeping a sharp eye out for clues enables players to notice clues and more easily solve puzzles, helping them move forward in the game. Staying focused can also help players improve their performance on subsequent tries, by either finishing levels faster or with less attempts.
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