Sports Champions: Table Tennis

LQ: 7.9


Brain grade: 8.0
Fun score: 7.8

Game Type: , ESRB Rating: Everyone 10+ Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Other Requirements: Playstation Move and Playstation Eye Thinking Skills Used: , ,

Sports Champions: Table Tennis is a game in which players use the PlayStation Move controller like a ping pong paddle. Players simply swing to hit the ball, as their movements are mirrored on the screen. To make a forehand or backhand shot, players simply use their Move controller as if they were making the actual shot themselves. Players can add spin to the ball by twisting their wrist upon impact, and can achieve softer or more powerful hits by varying the force of their swing. The controls are quite sensitive, giving players a lot of control over their technique. While the game features no inappropriate content, using the Move controller may be a bit difficult for very young children, so the game is recommended to players ages 6 and up.

This Game is Good for Kids Who Need Help With:


Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks

Players need to react quickly and maintain concentration in order to succeed in Sports Champions: Table Tennis. The action is very fast-paced, requiring keen attention in order to successfully keep track of the ball. During the game, players must judge where the ball will land, adjust their aim, and take into account their opponent's position to win a point. Winning a match requires prolonged concentration, as volleys can last for over one minute. Players that fail to sustain attention throughout the entirety of the match will struggle, as it sometimes only takes one momentary lapse in concentration to lose a game.


Managing our actions, feelings and behaviors.

The motion controls used in this game require precise movements and actions to excecute, and if players become too frustrated or flustered while playing, they can easily hurt their form. Therefore, it is important that players maintain control not only of their actions, but also of their emotions while they play. Learning the techniques and how to maintain a volley in the game takes some time, so players need to avoid becoming discourages or aggravated, as doing so only makes it harder to gain mastery over the games technical motion controls. Doings so will allow players to better aim their shots, control the power of their swings with precision and add just the right amount of spin their shots.


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations

Sports Champions: Table Tennis is a game of constant adjustment. Players must constantly account for small changes as they play, taking into account fluctuations in the ball's speed, spin, and direction. The gameplay can get fast and hectic, requiring quick reflexes and adaptive tactics. For example,when returning a ball hit slowly, players need to step forward and it hit back promptly, leaving little time for the opponent to react. When returning a more powerful shot, players are better served to step back and focus on successfully returning the volley. Players must analyze the speed and direction of an opponent's shot, while putting themselves in the proper position for a return. The fast pace keeps the players on their toes, exercising their Flexibility skills as they constantly adapt and respond to different types of shots.

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