Shredded Secrets

LQ: 9.0


Brain grade: 8.7
Fun score: 9.3

Game Type: , ESRB Rating: Teen Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 13+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:

Steam Nintendo Switch 

Shredded Secrets is an action platform game where the player takes on the role of four different characters in a high school setting. As the player navigates through the halls of the school, they open dialogue windows which provide the story behind each character and what they are struggling with each day in school. 

To explore the environment, the player moves around the hallways, jumping on objects or moving them to get to hard to reach areas. Occasionally keys can be found which will unlock doors that lead to other areas. As the player moves through the different parts of each character’s story, they will learn more about that person and the gameplay will get more complicated. Each character in the game has their own special move, ranging from dodging insults to “studying” which looks like throwing a book like a boomerang. Each character also has their own favorite item which can be collected as the player moves throughout the different parts of the story. 

Interacting with other characters in the game can lead to dialogue or conflict. Each character has a health meter that, when depleted, will cause the player to start over at the last checkpoint within the level. 

Shredded Secrets is rated T for Teen due to depictions of violence and for language and contains discussions on sexuality, bullying, and depression. It is available now on Steam and Nintendo Switch. 

Shredded Secrets helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Self Awareness: Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

Shredded Secrets tells the story of three students and one teacher who are all struggling with conflicts in their daily lives. Whether it is bullying, failing a class, or depression, each character’s story requires the player to move through four parts of each story and try and help the character by the end of their story. Players can practice their self-awareness skills but putting themselves in the place of each character and thinking about how they would feel in each situation. 


Focus: Blocking out distractions. 

In order to successfully move through all parts of each character’s story, the player needs to use their focusing skills to block out distractions and pay attention to patterns in each level. Enemies in the game have timed attacks that the player can easily avoid or counter if they are able to pay attention to how often and when those characters attack. For the larger boss fights at the end of each character’s story, paying attention to their attack patterns is also important because they will be different from the other enemies in the game. Focus also comes in handy when looking for each character’s favorite objects which are scattered throughout each level. By paying attention to their surroundings, the player can make sure they collect all of the items from each level as well as get their character to the end of the story. 

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