Farm Heroes Saga

LQ: 8.1


Brain grade: 8.2
Fun score: 8.0

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Thinking Skills Used: , ,


Farm Heroes Saga is a cute game where the player must protect her farm from the evil raccoon, Rancid, who dreams of one day paving over the precious farm land. With the help of some animal friends, she can conquer Rancid’s attempts by making matches of 3 resources. The levels vary in their requirements, but the general task is to harvest a specified number of adorable resources – smiling suns, juicy strawberries, raindrops, and more. The trick is that the items must be harvested within a certain number of moves. Levels becoming increasingly more challenging, introducing new crops with different harvest requirements that will test the player’s patience and skill. The game’s content is suitable for players of any age, although young players may find some of the latter levels particularly challenging. Farm Heroes Sage is recommended for players six and older.

this game is good for kids who need help with:


Managing our actions, feelings, and behaviors. Improving impulse control.

156568_503816542999638_792349571_nFarm Heroes Saga has been described by some as "unspeakably frustrating at times." This is particularly true as levels becoming harder and harder as the player progresses. It is not unusual for a player to be stuck on the same level for days. Making smart matches is crucial to satisfy the level's requirements within the move limit. This means the player must accept the difficultly within the level and stay cool-headed so that her decision-making capabilities are not compromised by her frustration. Additionally, she may only have to collect three different types of resources, while the level may contain all varieties of resources. This makes it difficult, but very important, to resist making matches of resources that are not required to complete the level, as these would all be wasted moves. A clear, calm mind and avoidance of unnecessary matches will lead her to success much quicker than if she neglected using Self-Control skills.


Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

The player must always have two things at the forefront of her mind: the resource requirements and number of moves remaining. Affording attention to the requirements for each level helps her from becoming distracted and making matches of any kind she sees that ultimately result in a handful of wasted moves. It's very easy to forget the task at hand when potential matches are sighted that are not on the task list. Keeping a close eye on number of moves left is critical to success, as it's easy to get carried away making matches one after another. Neglecting to do so often results in a situation where the player has very few moves left, making it impossible to collect the remaining resources. Also, she must carefully examine the game board from top to bottom so that she can find the largest match and therefore save moves. Finally, given that it's not uncommon for some levels to take days to ultimately conquer, a degree of persistence is necessary to push through frustration and keep on trying until success is won. Esepcially considering the player only gets five lives at a time, that each take half an hour to recharge. This means patience in In these multiple ways, Focus skills are vital to accomplishment in Farm Heroes Saga.


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

10026-43845-fh2The game challenges the players ability to adapt to different situations by mixing up the requirements that each level asks of the player. Basic resources are collected by making matches of three. However, one level for example may need flowers to be collected, which are a unique resource that requires a different method of collection than the traditional resources do. The flowers must be bloomed before they can be gathered. Another level may have frozen resources that require thawing before they can be collected. Each level, also, asks for different types and numbers of resources to be collected, so the player must take notice to new tasks in every level and adjust her approach as necessary.

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