
LQ: 6.9


Brain grade: 6.7
Fun score: 7.1

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 7+ Thinking Skills Used: ,


Using a pixel-shaped ship capable of shooting projectiles in eight different directions, players of BattlePaint must eliminate invading armies of enemy pixels in an effort to earn high scores. Enemies will attack from all directions, spawning at random points in the level. Using a multi-directional control scheme — with one hand controlling movement of the pixel ship and the other aiming its shots — players maneuver the ship around enemies, shooting paint to eliminate them. As the rounds progress, the challenge increases and the screen becomes flooded with more and more enemies. BattlePaint requires little reading and features no real violence, but the action is very fast-paced, so the game is recommended to players ages 7 and up.

this game is good for kids who need help with:


Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

BattlePaint Educational Game Review image 1Because the action in BattlePaint is very fast-paced, this game is helpful for children who have trouble remaining intensely  attentive for extended stretches of time. Players will have to concentrate on their position in relation to enemies, as well as the specific types of incoming attackers, as differently colored pixels attacks in different ways. Also, enemy pixels "pop" when players defeat them, spraying color over a small area. As the number of enemies increases, the screen can become saturated with color, making locating enemies more difficult. Without using their Focus skills, players will quickly be overwhelmed, and possibly destroyed, by enemy paint pixels.


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations. 

The battlefield is constantly changing in BattlePaint. The spawn patterns of enemy pixels constantly changes, as do their attack patterns. In early levels, players contend only with single groups of enemies. Soon after, though, players regularly face multiple groups of pixels that approach from all sides of the field, with differently-colored pixels moving at different speeds. Red and green pixels travel very slowly, while purple and blue pixels can quickly dash from one end of the screen to another. Players must therefore be prepared to deal with many different challenges in quick succession.

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