
LQ: 8.9


Brain grade: 8.6
Fun score: 9.2

Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 8+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:

Xtranormal is a web-based animation tool designed to allow users with minimal experience create videos. Users can select from a number of themes, which include unique actors and backgrounds. A paid account includes a wider variety of themes, as well as the ability to create and customize characters. Xtranormal allows users to type dialogue– which is automatically read out loud by the characters– or record their own voices for the scene. In addition, users dictate camera angles, sound effects, background music, and the physical gestures and expressions of their actors. When finished, Xtranormal generates a high-quality animation that users can share with friends, family, or other Xtranormal animators. This website is easy to use, requires no previous experience or knowledge of animation software or principles, and is recommended for users ages 8 and up.




Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

Users must begin the animation process by conceptualizing the story, dialogue, and overall goal for their project. Xtranormal helps users plan their animation by breaking the processes into four stages. After selecting an overall theme, users are given a number of choices for sets, characters, and sounds. The final stage involves creating the dialogue, setting camera angles, and instructing the physical expressions and motions of the actors. In order to create a cohesive animation, users must adequately plan for each stage of the creative process. For the animation to make sense, the set, actors, and dialogue must work together to portray the user’s story. Failure to plan ahead can often result in a disjointed or confusing final product in which the dialogue seems forced or does not adequately convey the author’s story.


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

Although Xtranormal grants users a wide variety of customizable features and options, users must still operate within a predetermined framework. As a result, users must be flexible and creative with their animations, finding alternative ways to convey an idea, message, or emotion when their exact needs are not immediately available. For example, Xtranormal provides users with a number of pre-created facial expressions and gestures. Despite the available variety, users may sometimes be unable to utilize the exact expression or gesture they need. In these cases, users must adapt, utilizing an alternative, or altering the dialogue or camera angles to better convey their message through alternative means. Being creative within the Xtranormal framework means utilizing the available tools and features, while remaining open and flexible to solving problems and issues through alternative means when necessary.


Xtranormal comes equipped with the ability to read users’ text-based dialogue in computerized voices. Users can indicate which character is speaking, the speed and tone of voice, as well as individual pauses to create realistic conversation in their animation. Crafting interesting and believable dialogue is often one of the most difficult challenge for any writer and is a useful exercise for improving writing proficiency. Users must attempt to mimic the ebb and flow of normal, natural conversation. In scenes that require more than one actor, it is the writer’s job to create two unique individuals, ensuring that the dialogue suits each character’s personality and mannerisms. Understanding how to write from multiple perspectives, as well as creating clear, concise, and understanding dialogue is an excellent way to improve writing skill and competency in a non-traditional format.

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