Shonen Jump
LQ: 9.55
Recommended Age: 12+
Skills Used: Flexibility, Focus, Reading
VSCO Cam is a photo editing app where can select from a list of several filters to achieve their desired result. But what separates VSCO Cam from photo editing apps like Instagram, Powercam, or Camera Awesome is the complete control they have during the editing process. Users are doing more than simply adding a filter — they are working within the filter, making significant changes to contrast, temperature, exposure, fade, shadows, highlights, and a host of other options. It allows users to achieve a more personalized, “nuanced” outcome. The nine filters can be altered as well, with both bold and subtle effects. Users can purchase additional filters can effect in the VSCO Cam app store. All pictures can be uploaded directly to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter directly from the app. It features no inappropriate content. However, parents should always be mindful of what their children are sharing on social media. VSCO Cam is recommended for users ages 6 and older.
Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.
Because user are given so much control over the outcome of their photographs, it is important that they utilize the many tools that VSCO Cam offers. Over time, users may develop an affinity for particular effects and filters. They may may have tendencies for heavy saturation or darker subjects. Users should experiment with a variety of filters and subjects as they become more familiar with the app. Cropping, rotating, and shooting landscape portraits are good ways for users to alter the perspective of each picture. There are two factors that determine the best way to frame a shot: the subject and the creativity of the photographer -- but there is really no formula for taking a good picture. Users must constantly adjust their shooting strategies, finding the best filters and effects to highlight certain aspects of each subject. VSCO Cam fosters creativity, as users have access to extensive library of filters and sub filters.
Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals. Improving short-term planning.
Goal setting is crucial to photography. While great photographs sometimes can be the product of a whim or a burst of inspiration, the majority of the time users must dedicate time to the planning stages of each picture. Before users press the "capture" button, they should survey the area surrounding their subject, taking into account factors like sunlight, shadow, backdrop, and distance. Filters cannot always compensate for poorly executed shots. It is up to users to create their own good fortune when it comes to taking pictures. In addition to creating the perfect aesthetic, users must also have a vision of a possible outcome. Do they wish to evoke a darker sensibility? Or is it a more uplifting colored image they desire? These visions should also be determined prior to actually taking the picture, as the mood is affected by the photo's perspective. Once users find the right perspective after determining a general mood, they can take the picture and work with the filters and effects to achieve it.
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