Vocab for the ACT ® Test

LQ: 8.0


Brain grade: 8.9
Fun score: 7.1

Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 8+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:


Vocab for the ACT ® Test is an app designed to help users memorize over 2500 words that could appear on the ACT. The app features a list so that the user can scroll through or search for specific words. There is also the option to look up words by their roots, suffixes, or prefixes. A flashcard will appear once the root, prefix or suffix is selected featuring all relevant words from the list of 2500. 

The user also has the option to play a timed word matching game where they take a list of ACT vocabulary words and try to match them to their synonyms. A flashcard option is also available where the user can set a timer to automatically flip to the next card after a variable number of seconds. 

When the user feels like they have mastered a word, they can click the thumbs up icon to “toss” it-the word will no longer come up when they study. When they are done studying, students can click on the progress tab to see how many words they have “tossed” and how many other words they still need to study. 

How it Helps

Vocab for the ACT Test helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Focus: Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks. 

Standardized tests are timed and require a great deal of Focus, so users need to be able to block out distractions and keep their attention on answering questions as quickly as possible. For users who struggle with focus, apps like this can allow them to practice these skills in smaller bursts so that they are more prepared on the day they need to take the test. These users can start with just a few words and then gradually add more as their focusing skills increase. 

Time Management: Working under pressure. 

Because the ACT is a timed test, the user will need to be comfortable with working under pressure. The app simulates this by having timed components to vocabulary study. If the user struggles with time management, they may find the flashcards moving on before they are able to answer correctly or they may find that the timer runs out before they have matched the vocabulary words to their synonyms. For these users, setting the timer to allow for a greater amount of time and then gradually decreasing it can help them get used to the feeling of working under pressure without losing their focus. 

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