Tomato Timer

LQ: 8.5


Brain grade: 9.0
Fun score: 8.0

Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:

Tomato Timer is an app designed to help the user focus by using the technique called The Pomodoro Method. This method asks the user to focus for a set amount of time (usually 20 minutes) then take a short break (usually 5 minutes.) This is repeated four times. After the fourth time, the user takes a longer break (usually 20-25 minutes.) Tomato Timer keeps track of your time as well as your breaks and sets off a small alarm when you complete a round of sustained focus. 

The user can also click on a box underneath the timer to enter the goal that they are currently working on. The settings allow users to change the amount of time they spend on focusing and breaks, as well as the color of their screen and the sounds they hear upon completing an amount of focusing time. 

Tomato Timer is available for free on iOS but in-app purchases are available.

Tomato Timer helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Time Management: Being efficient and aware of our use of time and effort.

For users who focus on making the most of their time, a focus app like Tomato Timer can be a great tool to help learn better time management skills. The user picks a goal and an amount of time to focus and then simply starts the timer. The app will then let them know when they can take a break and when they have completed their four sessions of focusing. If the user has a longer, extended goal, such as studying for an upcoming test, they can even use the app for several cycles of the Pomodoro method. However, the four cycles of focus can also be broken down for jobs like stacking a dishwasher, where the user might not need more than one cycle of focus to complete the task. 

Focus: Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

For users who struggle with staying on task or frequently find themselves moving from one project to another but not completing anything, focus timers like Tomato Timer are great for building up this skill. The user can start by setting the focusing cycles for a short amount of time, even 10 minutes. By taking short breaks in between cycles and then a longer one at the end of the four cycles, the user learns to spend the most of their time during the focusing parts of the Pomodoro method. The user can then build up to longer amounts of time where they focus.

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