Sue’s Focus Travels
LQ: 7.95
Recommended Age: 4+
Skills Used: Focus, Time Management, Mathematics, Writing
Study Stack is a flashcard app where students can play games while memorizing information. Create your own custom flashcards and then Study Stack will test students on this information with games like Hangman, Matching, Hungry Bug, and Crossword puzzles.
Because of the level of reading and writing required for this app and its games, some parental assistance may be required for younger children.
Focus: Sustaining energy for short-term tasks.
Study Stack uses a set of flashcards created by the student and then leads them through games to learn this information. Because the games are short and centered on the information they need to learn, students need to be focused on the content as well as the game mechanics in a low-stakes environment. For example, students can play Hangman with their Biology terms and need to focus on the material in order to complete the game successfully. Because it is not a time-intensive game, students can practice their focus skills in small doses.
Organization: Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.
Because Study Stack is a flashcard creation app, students are able to organize all of the information they need for a test or quiz into one app. Multiple sets of cards can be created or searched for online, letting students keep track of every subject in one app.
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