Singing Fingers

LQ: 8.5


Brain grade: 8.0
Fun score: 9.0

Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

Singing Fingers is an app for iPhone or iPad that allows kids to create drawings in time with sounds or music they make. Singing Fingers records sound as your child draws, allowing kids to go back and trace their drawings to play the sound associated with them. The color and size of the drawing is directly effected by the kind of sound your child makes. Higher pitched noises will create brighter colors than lower pitched ones, and quiet sounds will create a smaller line than a loud sound. From there, your child can save and share his drawings and play with the sounds he’s made, exploring his creativity. Because of its alternative and creative means of expression, Singing Fingers is recommended for children with ASD.

Singing Fingers helps kids with Planning and Working Memory!


While Singing Fingers is a great app for kids to use their creative juices, in order to get the most out of Singing Fingers they'll have to have a plan. She'll have to think about what sort of sounds she wants to use, where on the screen to draw out her sound, and how each sound can work together to create something. Whether she's using it as a soundboard to create music or as a way to make notes and reminders for herself, it will require her to think about her movements, her sounds, and how she wants to correlate them on Singing Fingers. If she doesn't plan ahead, she may find herself without enough space to finish her drawing or become overwhelmed by the amount of options and freedom she has.

Working Memory

When your child is using Singing Fingers, she'll have to flex her memory in both play and work. If she wants to make her drawing a specific color or size, she'll have to practice and remember what colors go with what types of sound and how loud a sound has to be to get the size she wants. She'll also have to use her memory when accessing her drawings again, recalling what drawing was used for what sound. She can even use Singing Fingers to keep notes and reminders for herself and access them later, giving her a creative way to remember assignments and play them back later.

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