Mini-Guide: Synap

LQ: 8.4


Brain grade: 9.0
Fun score: 7.8

Platform/Console: , , , LWK Recommended Age: Any Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used: ,

Synap is an app that allows users to create multiple choice tests. It is available as both a website and an app for mobile devices. Geared towards helping students high school age and older study for school, it can be used by either students or teachers. Synap allows test creators to share finished tests or find tests written by other users. Students can also create “playlists” of quizzes to help them organize their studying for specific exams. Teachers have the ability to create private classrooms to share quizzes and monitor student progress.

Students as young as 10 can use Synap with the guidance of an adult to find or create quizzes. The ESRB gave Synap an E for Everyone rating. LW4K recommends this app for students ages 10 and up due to the reading and writing skills required for the app. There is a premium version of the app available for purchase.

Synap helps kids practice and improve the following skills:


Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

Synap helps students study better by honing their focus skills. It can be overwhelming for a student to know where to begin when trying to study. By making the student write (and answer) one question at a time, Synap forces the student to take it one step at a time, rather than looking at all of the material as a whole. This enables a student to be better able to ignore internal and external distractions, as well as to stop procrastinating and just get started. Because of this, your child's focus skills will be better utilized--and strengthened--while their studying is more effective.


Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.

Synap will also strengthen your child's ability to organize their ideas. For effective studying, it is important to be able to break the chapter or unit up into smaller bite-sized components. As a result, facts and new information are organized in a manner that is easier to remember and apply in the future. By asking the student to think of a question, three wrong answers, one right answer, and a brief explanation for why the right answer is, indeed, correct, Synap is teaching your child how to effectively organize their ideas. Not only will this help them study for a specific test, but it will strengthen their ability to organize their ideas in other situations.


Every time your child reads a quiz--whether it is one they have made themselves or found from the pool of shared quizzes--they will be using the reading comprehension skill. They will need to be able to read and understand the questions and answers. If they can't they will not be able to figure out the correct choice and they won't be effective in studying for their tests.


If your child is old enough to be using this app without any assistance from you or a teacher, then they have the opportunity to be working hard to practice writing skills such as word choice, spelling, and punctuation. To get the most out of this practice, you will want to tell them to take their time and, perhaps, even review their quizzes for any glaring errors. Keep in mind, however, that this app's primary purpose is to study for tests. So unless it happens to be a spelling test, you will want to carefully weigh how much to push for good writing skills during test creation.

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