Mini-Guide: IDK? Decision Maker

LQ: 8.3


Brain grade: 8.6
Fun score: 8.0

IDK Decision Maker
Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: Any Thinking Skills Used: ,

The IDK Decision Maker app helps the user make decisions by providing a formal structure for a pros and cons list. The user begins by starting a new list and typing in the question (decision) at the top of the list. They are then able to enter as many pros or cons as they desire, as well as identifying how strong each pro or con is. As they add to their lists, the app gives a percentage of whether the pros side or the cons side is winning.

IDK Decision Maker is free and has no ads. The ESRB rated it E for Everyone and LW4K stands by this rating. Even though young kids can benefit from the structure of this app, however, it is important to remember young users will need assistance with the typing.

IDK Decision Maker helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

IDK Decision MakerSelf-Awareness

Managing our actions, feelings and behaviors.

This app takes the generalized feelings of “I don’t know” and forces the user to use their self-awareness skills. First, the user has to examine their thoughts and figure out exactly what question they need to answer. Then, they have to think about every feeling they have regarding that question. Is it a positive feeling or a negative feeling? How strong is that feeling? How can they express that feeling in words? All of these questions require the user to practice their self-awareness skills. If the user follows the steps, they will get better at self-awareness and come to a decision all at the same time.


Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

Using this app can help the user practice self-control. First, it slows down the decision making process and reduces impulsive decisions. This will strengthen the impulse control skills of the user. Secondly, they also have to think about the future. First and foremost, the decision being made is about something that hasn’t yet happened; something in the future. But even more than that, they have to think about the costs and benefits of all the different options. That also requires thinking about the future. This means that, whether they realize it or not, the user will be practicing and strengthening their self-control skills every time they use this app.

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