Mini-Guide: Daylio

LQ: 8.8


Brain grade: 9.6
Fun score: 8.0

Platform/Console: , , , LWK Recommended Age: Any Thinking Skills Used: ,

Daylio is a mood and goal tracker, with a primary focus on mood tracking. When the user opens the app up, they see five emoji. If they have customized their moods, there may be some other emoji to choose from. The user chooses the emoji that matches their current mood. The app then shows the user a screen to log their activities (such as work, a date, a party, or good food).

The app also provides a variety of different graphs and calendars to help the user identify patterns that connect certain moods with certain activities. The user makes notes in their journal entries if desired. For those who want to use it, there is also the option to set goals (such as water intake or exercise).

There are premium features available for purchase in-app. The ESRB rated Daylio E for Everyone and LW4K stands by this rating. Younger users may need help getting the first couple of entries done, but thanks to the use of emojis, this app can be used by just about any age.

Daylio helps kids practice and improve the following skills:


Managing our actions, feelings and behaviors

Daylio is an journaling app focused solely on emotions. This means that it is the perfect app for practicing self-awareness skills. The user has to practice analyzing and assessing their own feelings. Once they have identified what they are feeling, the user then has to “communicate” this emotion by selecting the appropriate emoji, activities, and notes, if desired.


Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

Once the user has made enough journal entries to begin seeing patterns in the connections between activities and emotions, the user can begin using this information to think about their future and even exercise anger, frustration, and general emotion management. If the user is always sad after watching movies, they can choose not to watch a bunch of movies in order to avoid feeling sad, for example.

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