Mini-Guide: Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame

LQ: 8.9


Brain grade: 9.6
Fun score: 8.2

Breath Think Do with Sesame
Platform/Console: , , , , LWK Recommended Age: 0–6 Thinking Skills Used: ,

Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame is an app to help young children identify and process their negative emotions with the help and guidance of their parent and a monster friend. The child chooses one of five different scenarios where the monster is experiencing a strong emotion, such as fear or frustration.

A small video shows what happened. The child helps the monster place his hands on his stomach and take deep breaths (or breathe). Then the child gets to pop bubbles and help the monster come up with possible solutions (or think). Finally, the child gets to choose which action the monster should take (or do).

The app also provides tips and resources for parents. There are no ads or purchases on this app. The ESRB rated Breathe, Think, and Do with Sesame an E for Everyone, and Lw4K stands by this rating. The target audience, however, is six and under.

Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Breathe Think Do with SesameSelf-Awareness

Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

This app provides scenarios where certain strong emotions take place. It then points out the way the monster looks when he is feeling that emotion. This provides the user the perfect opportunity to strengthen their own self-awareness skills. When watching the video and following through the breathe, think, do process, the child is shown exactly how actions, thoughts, and feelings are connected and can impact each other.


Managing our actions, feelings and behaviors.

While the first part of this app shows the user how to identify an emotion, the second half of this app is all about controlling and processing the emotion in an effective manner. This means that as the child helps the monster cope with frustration and anger and change, the child is also practicing how to do those things in their own life.

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