
LQ: 8.1


Brain grade: 7.8
Fun score: 8.3

Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:

Keep track of favorite locations with MatchBook, an app designed to allow users to tag and annotate a map of their favorite spots around the globe. Whether tracking a list of favorite restaurants, a favorite reading spot in the park, or the best beach in town, users can use this app to keep a running list of their favorite destinations. MatchBook lets users tag their “bookmarked” locations with additional details and photographs to allow for easy organization and sharing later. Locations and notes can be shared with friend and family members via email or social networking platforms. This app’s user interface is simple and easy to use and contains no inappropriate content. MatchBook is recommended to any user ages 4 and up.



Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

matchbook 2MatchBook allows users to save, tag, and annotate their favorite locations. Users can take advantage of the app by bookmarking favorite restaurants, relaxation spots, or other important destinations. Part of exercising the Self-Awareness thinking skill is the ability to understand one's own thoughts and feelings. MatchBook allows users to attach these thoughts and feelings to favorite locations for sharing or easy reference in the future. Users can record notes about favorite events in locations, favorite foods, or other relevant personal information and connections. Understanding preferences and emotions associated with locations is an excellent way to exercise and strengthen the Self-Awareness thinking skill.


Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.

MatchBook's primary purpose is to provide users with a central location in which to store their favorite destinations. The app allows users to further organize their thoughts and other relevant information through textual annotations, photographs, and "tags" that assist in sorting and locating locations. Understanding organizational systems and using the app as a utility to track information are both great ways to exercise the Organization thinking skill.


Adding tags and notes to bookmarked locations provides users an opportunity to practice their writing skills. Annotations can consist of relevant memories, or simply important reminders for locations. Users will practice writing clearly and concisely in order to communicate information using a small amount of text. For example, when bookmarking a favorite restaurant, users might write messages to indicate their favorite dishes or table. Users might write reminders to themselves or for others who will share the location's bookmark. Learning to write short and concise communications in MatchBook is a great way to practice skills associated with writing.

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