Hanx Writer

LQ: 8.3


Brain grade: 8.5
Fun score: 8.1

hanx writer
Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 8+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:

Hanx Writer is a unique typing app that turns the iPad’s touch-based typing interface into an old-fashioned typewriter. With unique typefaces and sound effects, users get to experience the look and feel of various antique typewriters, while still retaining the luxuries of modern word-processing, such as the ability to delete what has been typed and for documents to be emailed and printed. The app’s touch-based interface is easy to use, but it functionality as a word-processor makes it a good writing tool for kids ages 8 and up.

This app is good for kids who need help with:

Focus & Writing

screen480x480-1The app's unique presentation and stylized formats helps makes writing a fun, customizable experience. Get your child involved and excited to write by exploring the old-timer typewriters, trying out each one's unique sound effects and fonts. For reluctant writers, sometimes the idea of sharing writings with others can help motivate them to write, so ask your child recount a special day with someone, create a story for a friend or relative, or collaborate with someone, sharing witting back and forth via email.


Adventurous users can try their hand typing the old-fashioned way, without the use of a delete key. This was the way documents where created for decades, so explain to your child that we didn't always have the helpful features that modern word processing tools afford. Learning to type without the use of a delete keep requires thoughtfulness and carefulness, as typos must be avoided and things must be said the right way the first time they are written down. This may mean you child will want to have some paper and pencils handy to experiment with language before putting it down to say via the app's old-fashinponed typing interface.

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