LQ: 7.5


Brain grade: 8
Fun score: 7

Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: ,  helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Focus: Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

After your child has chosen a task to work on, they open the app and choose how long they want to work. The app will start a timer as you begin a task and play white noise while you continue to work. Unlike the Pomodoro method, this app does not countdown to break time, so students need to set their own breaks practicing their focusing skills by staying on task for the duration of their timer. 

Time Management Being efficient and aware of our use of time and effort. 

If students are focused on the task at hand, the app will strengthen their time management skills as well. Because this app does not block out other distractions, students will need to keep track of their own breaks and be aware of when they have completed the task in order to check it off the list. This allows them to take control of their own Time Management rather than having the app keep track of it for them.

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