
LQ: 8.2


Brain grade: 8.3
Fun score: 8.0

Platform/Console: , , , LWK Recommended Age: 10+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:

Whether it’s cartoons, gaming, sports, fashion or photography, Feedly — a news aggregation app — provides an organized and highly-personalized feed of online content sources. Users who already have a keen interest in a particular niche area will find Feedly to be their one stop solution for the latest content on their particlar tastes. It’s easy to use, too. Users simply type in a keyword (Baseball, Nintendo, Broadway) and Feedly will provide a list of stories and sources that have used that particular keyword in a hashtag. It’s presentation is reminiscent of social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram, where an “explore” function allows users to see popular and trending stories. Once users create the account, they can categorize all their favorite sources, subjects, and stories, seamlessly adding content in a one-step process. There are even priority levels that can be assigned to each item on the feed, allowing users to decide whether they label something as a “must read” story. Though some of the news platforms can post stories that are quite dense, and reading is required, Feedly can still find a wide array of content perfectly suitable for children 10 and older. As with any online aggregate, parental guidance and supervision is strongly recommended.

this app is good for kids who need help with:


Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.

News has always been a resource presented in an organized format: a series of related sections, with thematically linked stories. Feedly is no different. Except it's up to the users to curate an organized feed. Optimize the Feedly experience by organizing all sources into categories, the digest will filter the content from those categories and feature the best articles. Users also have the ability to change the order in the way each category appears on the home screen with a simple "drag and drop" swipe. It's also important for users to mark some of the more influential and interesting sources, so they can keep track of trending stories that are better suited to their news needs. By marking stories "saved for later," users can manage the amount of clutter on their homepage, by relegating certain stories to this folder. Titles for other individual folders should best indicate the contents without being too specific or limiting. That way, users can get the most out of each folder. The term "lifestyle" might be too broad for a category -- especially for users who are continually adding to their list. The sky is the limit with Feedly, so categoize with care, and users will have no shortage of new and exciting content.


Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings. Improving social skills.

Everyone's got that one section of the paper they tend to cast aside. For some it's "sports," and for others it's "business." Since Feedly's algorith selects it's stories based stritly on user preference it's important that users understand what type of news they wish t recieve. However, that's not to say that a sports fan should avoid the business section all together. In facts, users should try to be more well-rounded in the news that they read. Users should examine their weaknesses when it comes to current affairs, and use the app to become more knowledgeable in areas and subject that they would not normally actively pursue. Also, all news stories can be tweeted or shared on Facebook. Users are encouraged to share stories that interest them, helping to spark a healthy argument or discssion among social media friends on a variety of issues.


Not only will using Feedly as a viable news source keep users to date with current affairs and trending issues, but it also will bolster their reading skills, and capacities for vocabulary, cause and effect, and critical thinking. Most news sources publish stories between a 4th and 6th grade reading level, so it's important for users to have a firm grasp on the language before perusing what Feedly has to offer. Users will learn new words, and may even associate words they already know with different images and connotation. Especially with international news, users will gain a more worldly perspective, understanding the language, cultural, political, and religious difference among people all over the world. Think of Feedly as a way to gain global perspective while learning reading strategies and terms that will help propel them though work in the classroom.

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