Endomondo Sports Tracker

LQ: 7.4


Brain grade: 6.8
Fun score: 8.0

Platform/Console: , , , , LWK Recommended Age: 8+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

Endomondo Sports Tracker is an app for iOS, Android, and Windows that acts as a personal trainer and a gym partner. The app helps to make fitness fun and is designed for athletes of all levels, or simply users who are seeking better general fitness. In addition to tracking users’ cycling, running, or walking habits, the app allows users to keep a log of maps, distances, calories burned, and heart rate – among other things. Users can receive live pep talks from friends, and comment on their most recent activity. Because exercising is such a customization activity, Endomondo Sports Tracker’s interface is highly personalized, as the home display will only contain information that users have pre-selected. It has been proven that though young children should be active, they should not start a strict workout regiment too early. For this reason the app is recommended for children 10 and older.

This app is good for kids who need help with:


Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

Endomondo-Sports-TrackerEndomondo Sports Tracker is a fitness tool that can be modified to suit the needs and preferences of its user. The ability to track running routes and the duration of the exercise gives users complete disclosure of their progress. The app is great for setting and achieving realistic goals. Users will always be keenly aware of calories burned, their heart rate, their rate of travel, distance, and average speed (assuming the GPS has been activated). While the app is designed for the individual workout, it is also a way to connect with friends who are pursuing similar fitness campaigns. Users can race against a friend or even follow a popular route. A news feed a list of friends, and even a notifications tab give Endomondo Sports Tracker the feel of a social media app, with the functionality of a training aid. The upgraded version, which is paid for by a monthly or yearly subscription affords users the opportunity to create personalized interval training routines, and even compete against previous workouts - allowing more personalization to an already highly individualized app.

Time Management

Being efficient and aware of our use of time and effort.

endomondosportstracker_2In general, exercising is all about getting the most out of a brief period of time. The Endomondo Sports Trainer app is no exception. Users can track their lap time and overall exercise duration, as they progress through their running, walking, or cycling routines. Users can improve efficiency by tracking and trying to improve their previous records - an endeavor that requires a combination of focus, will power, and confidence. If users fail to manage their time properly, either resting too much between exercises or procrastinating, they will extend the length of their training, but burn less calories. The timers that the app employs help keep users on task, allowing them to burn the most calories in the shortest amount of time.

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