Dinosaur Submarine

LQ: 8.98


Brain grade: 8.76
Fun score: 9.2

Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:


Dinosaur Submarine is an educational app for preschool aged children who want to learn more about the ocean and all the creatures who live there. A group of dinosaurs are trying to move some cargo across the ocean when their ship gets bumped and all the items sink into the water. The player selects a submarine and goes on a search, collecting gems and locating the broken pieces of cargo that will later need to be put back together. As the player is looking for the cargo, they will come across various facts about the ocean and its creatures. By clicking on the audio button, they will hear some facts about the ocean while looking at an image of the topic. For example, while driving the submarine past some whitish coral, the player can learn about coral bleaching and the dangers to the ocean’s wildlife. 

When the submarine docks, the player needs to complete some short puzzles to put the items back together again. The app features various locations and has up to 35 facts about oceans for the young player to find as they explore the ocean with dinosaurs. 

Dinosaur Submarine requires a purchase to unlock the whole app but certain portions are available to try for free. It is currently available on iOS and Android. 

Dinosaur Submarine helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Focus: Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

The short nature of each submarine mission can help younger children work on their focusing skills. Because each activity is short and sustained, the user does not have to devote a large amount of time to completing a task. This allows them to practice paying attention to what they are doing in short bursts, building up their focusing skills. The missions play allows the user to explore the ocean and requires a little more focus than the puzzles. In this way, the user can practice with two different levels of focusing. 

Working Memory: Recalling and retaining information in our minds while working.

Apps like Dinosaur Submarines can help develop the working memory of young children. When clicking on the audio files in the game, the child hears the facts about the image they are seeing and begins to associate the auditory component with that of the visual. Children can click on the audio tracks over and over again, and each time they will be exposed to the link between what they are hearing and seeing, thus strengthening their working memory. 

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