Be-Be-Bears: Painting for Kids

LQ: 7.85


Brain grade: 7.1
Fun score: 8.6

Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 1–5 Thinking Skills Used: ,


Be-Be-Bears: Painting for Kids is a creativity app where your child can color in scenes featuring the animated Be-Be-Bears, Bjorn and Bucky. In creative mode, children can use a wide variety of colors and tools to color in a selection of pictures. In the interactive mode, children can color in portions of pictures that will then “come alive” and create a small story for the child to view. For example, coloring in a bear and then pieces of a rocket ship allow the child to see the bear put on a helmet and blast off into space! 

The child “colors” in the app by tapping on the tool they would like to use and then brushing it across the screen with their finger. Different tools produce different amounts of color and the eraser tool can be used to correct mistakes. At the end of the coloring session, parents can take the images created by their child and print them out to proudly display. 

Be-Be-Bears is available for free but requires a purchase to unlock all of its features. The app is compatible with the Apple pen for a greater amount of control.  

Be-Be-Bears: Painting for Kids helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Focus: Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

Coloring is a great way for very young children to practice their focusing skills. The task requires attention to detail but also allows the child to express their creativity. And the pictures that are available to color in Be-Be-Bears: Painting for Kids are not complex, meaning that the child will be practicing this skill in a short and sustained manner. In the free drawing mode, kids can create their own pictures as well, so after some time practicing with shorter coloring tasks, they may be able to move on to a longer project of their own.

Flexibility: Trying something new. 

Creativity apps are also a great way for children to practice their flexibility skills. Because of the tools and the colors available, the child can try all sorts of different combinations in order to make their works of art. Whether they are completing one of the interactive pictures or doing free drawing, they will still be able to exercise some degree of flexibility in the colors they choose and their use of the different tools. 

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