
LQ: 9.5


Brain grade: 10
Fun score: 9

Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 8+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used: ,

Babbel is a language learning app where you can learn a foreign language with a little practice each day. Choose the language you want to learn, answer a few questions about your language level and start practicing immediately.

Listen to native speakers and learn to spell words immediately using the fill in the blank questions. Using the microphone allows you to make sure your pronunciation is correct and allows you to compare yourself to a native speaker.

Some services are free with Babbel but the majority of the app requires a subscription to their services. Because of the amount of reading and writing in both a native and target language, this app is not recommended for younger students who cannot yet read and write.

Babbel  helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Working Memory: Remembering and using what you have heard to complete a task. 

Students interact with vocabulary and audio of native speakers and then are asked to answer questions regarding what they have just learned. Students will need to keep the vocabulary and phrases in their working memory in order to successfully complete the lessons. Students who struggle with this skill can start with a low level of commitment and work their way up to longer lessons as their Working Memory is strengthened. 

Focus: Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks. 

 Foreign languages help students practice their focus skills when they are connecting vocabulary and grammatical concepts in their native language into their target one. Further, focus is strengthened by completing lessons for the duration the students have committed to. Students who struggle with focusing can start with a small amount of time for their lessons and work their way up to longer sessions as their language skills improve.

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