Animal Typing Lite

LQ: 9.75


Brain grade: 10
Fun score: 9.5

Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 5+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:

Animal Typing Lite is a typing exercise app that shows students their speed in the form of animals running across the screen. The animal you see on the screen reflects your speed in typing. Lessons start with the QWERTY home row and move into more complex lessons. Lessons  can also be created and customized with the purchase of the full app.

Because the app requires the recognition of letters of the alphabet, this app may not be developmentally appropriate for very young children who have not yet learned to read. 

Animal Typing Lite  helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Working Memory:  Recalling and retaining information in our minds while working. 

Students need to keep the keyboard key locations in mind while they are looking at the screen. This requires them to practice their working memory as they will need to perform two tasks simultaneously. Students who struggle with Working Memory may see themselves as a slower animal in the game at first. If they start with simpler lessons and work their way into more complex ones, they will see this skill strengthened through repeated practice. 

Focus: Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks. 

 Animal Typing Lite requires focus because the more you hesitate, the slower you type and a slow animal will appear on your screen. To get the highest score, students need to practice focus while they are going through the typing exercises. For students who struggle with this skill, try smaller lessons at first until they feel confident enough to focus for the longer and more complex typing exercises. 

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