All the World

LQ: 9.05


Brain grade: 8.7
Fun score: 9.4

Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 4–10 Thinking Skills Used: ,


All the World is an video app specifically designed to provide fun, educational videos to children ages 4-10. The videos range in topics but are centered around themes such as Community and Culture, Animals and People, Travel and Sports, etc. Each video is meant to be a bite sized amount of information to capture the child’s attention and interest while teaching them something interesting and new. 

All the World is also available in several languages for children who are learning a different language or who are studying English as a target language. The audio content in the app is currently available in English, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. 

If you or your child has an idea for a video they would like to see on All the World, there is a section for idea submissions as well. 

All the World is available on both Android and iOS. The app is free to download and all of the content within it is ad-free.

All the World  helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Focus: Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

The videos featured on the All the World app are a great way to practice focusing skills. Because the videos are fairly short (under 10 min), they are a great way to help your child practice this skill in manageable chunks. The videos are also fun and cover a wide variety of topics, meaning that they are good attention-grabbers for younger children while also being educational and informative. 

Flexibility: Trying something new. 

All the World is also a great way for your child to practice their flexibility skills and try something new. The app has a large variety of topics ranging from animals to sports to how to make new friends. Your child can select a new topic each day and practice learning something new or something outside of their normal interests in small, bite-sized chunks.

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