Alice For The iPad

LQ: 8.6


Brain grade: 7.8
Fun score: 9.4

Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:

Alice For The iPad updates the original classic story of “Alice In Wonderland” for the tablet era. Using the original texts and illustrations from Lewis Carroll’s story, this app presents a semi-interactive reading experience. Props and imagery from the story pop out from the page, moving, shifting, or taking other actions as users tilt or tap their iPad. Users may advance the pages at their own pace, or browse an index of all pages by taping a cat-shaped button at the bottom of each page. Though simple, Alice For The iPad provides a new generation of readers with a digital “pop-up” book to help engage and spur their imaginations. The story is available in a simpler “abridged” version, as well as the full and lengthier original version. Users may also download a “lite” version of the app which contains the beginning of “Alice In Wonderland” as a sample before purchasing the full version of the app. Alice For The iPad contains no inappropriate material, but may be difficult for younger readers to understand without help from an adult, and is recommended for users ages 4 and up.



Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

alice 1Alice For The iPad presents a classic story in a new and exciting digital format. The app can help younger readers to focus on the pages as many contain the original artwork combined with semi-interactive elements. For example, when Alice grows, users can shift their iPad to watch an image of Alice expand. These elements help to keep younger readers or children who are being read to focused and engaged in each page of the story. Reading requires users to maintain focus for the duration of each reading session in order to understand the characters and plot, while not missing details which may be important later in the story.

Working Memory

Recalling and retaining information in our mind while working.

Reading utilizes the Working Memory thinking skill in a number of different ways. Users must recall the meaning and sound of each word, using their knowledge of letters and letter combinations to sound out and determine meaning for unfamiliar words. In addition, users must be able to recall important details from the story while reading in order to follow the plot. Recalling characters, locations, and other important plot details are all essential components of reading and reading comprehension. Effective readers will utilize the Working Memory thinking skill throughout Alice For The iPad, absorbing and utilizing important details, characters, and settings throughout.


Alice For The iPad provides a great opportunity for users of any age to practice the skills necessary for reading. The text, images, and interactive elements are all great for engaging readers. The app also provides a shorter and simpler abridged version of the classic story for younger or less advanced readers. The images and interactive elements also provide important contextual clues for readers who have difficulty understanding the story and add excitement by providing both a text-based and visual experience of the story. For example, on some pages, important words are made larger or unique looking, while interactive elements add to the experience without causing distraction. Alice For The iPad is a great way to help users practice reading in a new, unique, and exciting way.

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