Pros and Cons of Video Games For Children
There is no question that video games and other technologies are having both a positive and a negative impact on the lives of 21st century children. In our estimation, those […]
Minecraft – Learning and Limits
Can kids learn from video games? Do kids spend far too much time playing video games? The answer to both of these questions is yes.
Video games have been demonstrated […]
Why Parents should set Limits on Minecraft: 5 Strategies for Kids with ADHD and Autism
Do you know a kid who can’t stop playing Minecraft? This problem isn’t rare.
Kids can play Minecraft for hours on end and never seem to reach an endpoint to […]
Empowering Students with Executive Functioning Weaknesses: By Dr. Erica Warren
One of the best ways to empower students with executive functioning challenges is to help them embrace and utilize their best ways of processing. Each person understands the world around them in […]
Seashores to Sea Floors
Seashores to Sea Floors is an award winning educational app about the ocean biome. As part of the Crack the Book series, Seashores to Sea Floors is designed primarily for early […]
It’s Hard to Stay Focused
It’s hard to stay focused in the 21st century. Paying attention to only one thing at a time is becoming increasingly difficult for both kids and adults. Many experts have […]
Screen Time for Five and Six-Year-Old Children
How much screen time is good for your five or six-year-old child? Should you allow her to watch television, play a tablet, or use a handheld video game? And if […]
Nine Ways to Set Limits on Screen Time
Parents frequently wonder about how to set limits on screen time, often thinking about how they should set limits on their own screen time as well as their children’s. In […]