Wunderlist is a free web based and mobile app for managing tasks and creating lists.
Wunderlist is a free web based and mobile app for managing tasks and creating lists.
inClass is a comprehensive planning and organizational app geared towards middle-school, high-school, and college aged users, and helpful for children with ADHD.
Stress Tracker allows users to maintain a record of stress and anxiety levels and their triggers over time.
Springpad is a mobile app where users can create personalized notebooks for shopping lists, gift ideas, movies to see, and favorite recipes.
Private Journal is a free mobile app for iOS, that allows users to capture a feeling, fleeting thought, or state of mind in a journal entry.
Fetchnotes is a cloud-based note-taking app, where users organize all information using tags. It is a great for practicing Organization and Self-Awareness skills, and has been identified as being useful for children with ADHD.
Google Drive is a cloud-based storage platform, where users can store up to 5 GB of data free. It is helpful with Organization and Self-Awareness, and has been identified as being useful for children with ADHD.
iCloud is Apple’s “cloud-based” storage system helpful for Planning and Organizational skills, especially for children with ADHD.
Spotify is a free app that can be used to play, stream, and search for music, as well as organize libraries into personalized playlists. Spotify is recommended for children ages six and older.
iMovie is a user-friendly movie storage and editing program that comes standard on Mac computers, and is also available to download on iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. Users can tag, […]
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