Ogre Academy Math
Ogre Academy math is a game where users solve multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction problems to try and keep monsters at bay.
Calm is a mediation app that helps kids practice good Focus and Self-Control skills, and may be of aid to children affected by autism spectrum disorders.
IF… is an adventure game all about social and emotional learning (SEL), and helps kids learn good Self-Control and Self-Awareness skills through fun, interactive gameplay.
Kidzworld is an interactive website that allows children to communicate via chat rooms. Unlike other types of chat rooms that are perceived as dangerous, a human moderator ensures all content […]
Days – Photo and GIF Diary
Days – Photo and GIF Diary is a photo journal app allowing users to document and share experiences wtih either photographs or less-than-ten second GIFs.
Paint it Back
This puzzle game helps with Planning and Focus, is available on iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch, and is recommended for kids ages seven and older.
Bloxy World. Bricks for Kids
Bloxy World. Bricks for Kids is a great outlet for users to express their creativity where they use an unlimited supply of 3 dimensional lego blocks, users create a world of custom block structures.