
LQ: 8.65


Brain grade: 8.5
Fun score: 8.8

Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used: ,


Tangerine is a self-care app that focuses on mood tracking, habit forming, and journaling. The user logs into the app and can then choose to set up the positive habits they would like to form, create a journal entry, or just track how they are feeling. Over time, the user can then track these entries or habits to see how effectively they are practicing self-care, reflection, and healthy habits. 

When setting up a habit, the app will ask how often the behavior will be done, on what days, and for how long. The user can even set push notifications to remind themselves to do whatever the habit is for that particular day. For example, if the user wants to eat a piece of fruit each day, they would enter this as a goal in the app. Once they completed the habit for the day, they check it off and the app records their streak for as long as the user keeps the behavior up. 

For journaling, the user can choose to enter a standard entry or respond to one of the emotion-centered prompts provided by the app. For example, if the user is feeling angry or anxious, they can respond to guided questions as their journal entry. These prompts let the user take a look at the situation and process how they are feeling. If the user just wants to write about something that happened that day without the prompts, they can use the standard journaling tool as well. 

Mood tracking works in a similar way, where the user can keep track of how they were feeling each day and then look back to see if any patterns emerge that might provide insight into why the user is feeling a certain way. 

Tangerine is a free app but some features require in-app purchases. It is available now on iOS and Android.

Tangerine helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Self-Awareness: Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

Journaling and mood tracking are both great ways for people who struggle with explaining their emotions or are just dealing with some pretty big feelings. Tangerine features free writing journal entries or guided prompts that are centered around specific emotions. The user can get guided questions to help them with negative emotions like anger or anxiety but also positive ones like gratitude. Mood tracking is also a low-stakes way for the user to keep track of how they are feeling on any particular day, so that even if they cannot make a journal entry, they can still capture a snapshot of their experience. The user can then look over their mood entries for a set period of time to see if any patterns emerge. Self-reflection can be difficult for us all, and for people who really struggle with this skill, apps like Tangerine can be a gentle introduction to self-reflection and self-care. 

Self-Control: Managing our actions, feelings and behaviors. 

Habit trackers and reminders are a great way to practice our self-control skills. By setting positive goals and tracking our progress with them, a behavior can become a habit over time. For users who struggle with maintaining habits or have a hard time shaking negative ones, trackers like Tangerine can be a useful tool to ensure accountability. For extra help, the user can enable push notifications that provide another layer of support for maintaining positive behaviors. 

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