Wisdom: The World of Emotions

LQ: 8.8


Brain grade: 8.6
Fun score: 9.0

Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 4–8 Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used: ,


Wisdom: The World of Emotions is an app that promotes self-awareness and self-control with games. The user finds themself in a kingdom and is trying to help the king manage the emotions of his subjects. They all seem to be very emotional for different reasons. The user plays a few games to recognize the different ways the subjects are expressing their emotions which then allows them to acquire different “superpowers.” These superpowers are tools for calming down and reframing certain emotions. They can use these to help the inhabitants of the kingdom as well as learn ways of coping when they are feeling stressed or angry. 

The app also features interview questions where parents are encouraged to talk to their children about their emotions and take notes into the app. When all the interviews are complete, the app designs a book specifically for the user detailing their journey with self-awareness and self-control. 

The app also features printable resources for both child and parent, such as a daily schedule, mindfulness trackers, and various worksheets to help bring about a better sense of self-awareness. 

Wisdom: The World of Emotions is a subscription-based app. Parents can test out a few games and search through a few of the printable resources for free but the majority of the content requires purchasing a subscription. The app is currently available for Android and iOS. 

Wisdom: The World of Emotions  helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Self-Awareness: Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

The games within the Wisdom app are designed specifically for children so that they can begin to understand how the body reacts when it is feeling certain emotions. They do this by looking at a character in the game and observing the differences between their “calm photo” and their “angry photo.” Children can observe the differences in body postures, coloring of the face, and facial expressions. They can also listen to the character say the same sentence in three different tones in order to pick out how a voice sounds when it is angry. For children who struggle with self-awareness, these activities are concrete ways to show them how people’s posture and tone can demonstrate how they are feeling at the moment. 

The printable PDF’s also help strengthen self-awareness by asking guided questions that children can answer about their own experiences and emotions. Parents can also use the interview questions that occasionally come up between games in order to open a conversation with their child about how they react in certain situations.

Self Control: Managing our actions, feelings and behaviors.

Wisdom also helps children process these emotions once they realize where they are coming from. This is also part of the game so children learn about these strategies while playing. For example, once your child receives the “favorite song” superpower, they can use this knowledge to calm down an angry leaf person. This tool then becomes one that the child themself can use when they are feeling angry or stressed. As the child moves through the game, they acquire even more superpowers and learn about all of the different ways that they can control their emotions when situations become too overwhelming. 

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