Coloring Book For Me

LQ: 8.75


Brain grade: 8.0
Fun score: 9.5

Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: ,


Coloring Book For Me is an app where the user can tap the screen to color in digital black and white coloring pages. The options for coloring pages range from very simple illustrations to complex and intricate mandalas, so everyone from small children to adults will find this app accessible as a coloring book alternative. 

Coloring Book for Me also features different ways to interact with the coloring pages. There are multiple color wheels that can be accessed and manipulated with tools such as a paintbrush, pencil, gradient function. You can also access coloring pages that combine illustrations with actual photos. 

When you have finished your picture, you can take a screenshot of it or use the AR function to place your picture somewhere in the real world before snapping your picture. 

Coloring Book for Me is a free-to-download app where certain features can be accessed for free. Using certain features requires purchasing the full version of the app. 

Coloring Book For Me helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Self-Control: Managing our actions, feelings and behaviors.

Coloring is a great activity for players who are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious and need an activity to calm them down. The game features a music option that can be turned off if sound is too stimulating, The details of filling in the page requires the user to give their attention to the task and can help regulate emotions in the way a mindfulness activity can. Users who struggle with self-control can try using this app when they are feeling frustrated, playing with different levels of complexity to see which type of illustration works best for them. 


Focus: Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

Along with regulating emotions, coloring apps like Coloring Book for Me can be a great way for someone to practice their focusing skills. Picking an illustration and then working on it while blocking out other distractions is a way to practice this skill for when it is needed in other areas of life, such as test-taking or classroom instruction. For users who struggle with focusing, starting with a simpler picture or focusing on only one or two palettes is a good way to build up the focus skill. 

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