
LQ: 9.88


Brain grade: 10
Fun score: 9.75

Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

Memory is a matching game where students can choose from several different objects to “find” as well as how complex they would like the game to be.

At the beginning of the game, students choose the type of items they would like to appear on the cards (ex: colors, desserts, patterns, etc) as well as the number of cards they would like to start with (from 2 and up.) Depending on which object they choose and how many cards they would like to play with, the game increases in difficulty.

Additional pictorial icons can be purchased by subscribing to the app’s services. Because of the picture-based nature of the game, little reading is required and is a good fit for younger students who cannot yet read. 

Memory helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Working Memory: Recalling and retaining information in our minds while working. 

Students cannot see what is on each card and must rely on their working memory to remember where matches are located. Because the complexity can be increased by changing the picture icons and the amount of cards in play, the challenge to the student’s working memory can be increased or decreased. Students who are struggling with Working Memory can start with as few as two cards and work their way up to harder challenges. 

Focus: Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks. 

 Students are timed while playing the game, which factors into their final score. Students need to access their focus skills to stay on task and complete each level as quickly as possible. If they do not focus, their score will be negatively affected by the amount of time it took them to finish the round. 

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