Sue’s Focus Travels
LQ: 7.95
Recommended Age: 4+
Skills Used: Focus, Time Management, Mathematics, Writing
Focus: Sustaining energy for short-term tasks.
Students who are struggling with focus will be able to strengthen this skill with Know Fast. Because the videos are available just once a day and are under 5 minutes, students can practice focusing on the topic with no additional distractions. For students who need to "start small," a five minute educational video is a great way to work up to longer focus-based tasks. Start with a Learn Fast video a day and work your way up to longer tasks.
Flexibility:Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.
Because Know Fast’s videos are short and change in topic daily, students can practice being flexible and growing accustomed to change. This app is also a great way for students to practice handling situations where they will not know they outcome. Because all of the videos on Know Fast are randomly selected by topic, your child will not know what the content of the video will be, letting them experience uncertainty and focus on learning something as well as being open to new experiences.
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