If your child or student has been identified with slow processing speed you’re probably trying to become an expert on the subject as quickly as you can. Developing strategies to improve slow processing speed is vital, and you’ll want to explore issues such as the relationship between processing speed and working memory and how the disorder affects learning ability. There are many interventions that can improve your child’s performance on tasks at school and at home. You can learn more about a variety of these topics in our extensive series on processing speed, a directory of which you’ll find below.
In addition, we have combed the Web for articles and sites that provide more in-depth information about current research and innovative strategies to help improve processing speed in children. Here’s a list of the best websites for parents to learn about processing speed difficulties, curated by our team at LearningWorks for Kids.
Understood.org. This is simply the best website available for families of children who struggle with learning and attentional issues. Understood has great resources for kids with Learning Disabilities, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and Executive Functioning issues.
How does processing speed affect learning? – An in-depth look at different learning styles, how processing speeds can affect them, and why it is important to recognize processing speed issues in children.
Processing Speed, Working Memory, and Fluid Intelligence: Evidence for a Developmental Cascade – An extensive study of processing speed. A more complex but interesting read for those who want to really dive into the subject.
Children’s Arithmetical Difficulties: Contributions from Processing Speed, Item Identification, and Short-Term Memory – A great place to read about how processing speed can cause and exacerbate a child’s difficulty with math.

Image courtesy Flickr user ultrakickgirl
Coping With Slow Processing Speed at Home and at School – This page explains to parents the difficulties their child with slow processing speed may be having in school and how to help them. The Clay Center in general is fantastic resource full of articles and information about all aspects of learning and education.
Intro To Processing Speed – This website gives parents a detailed introduction to processing speed, and what they should know about parenting a child with slow processing speed.
National Center for Learning Disabilities – A fantastic resource for parents of children with learning disabilities, including slow processing speed.
Smart Kids with Learning Disabilities – A website devoted to helping parents of children who have trouble showing what they know in traditional ways. Smart Kids does a good job of identifying connections between their processing speed disability and other learning disorders.
Articles from LearningWorks for Kids about kids with slow processing speed:
What is Slow Processing Speed in Children?
What Causes Slow Processing Speed?
A Parent’s Guide to Processing Speed
Parenting Children with Slow Processing Speed
How Do We Measure Processing Speed?
Using Videos to Explain Slow Processing Speed to Kids
5 Ways to Improve Processing Speed in Children
Processing Speed and Executive Functions
Is It Possible to Improve Slow Processing Speed in Children?
Targeted Strategies That Help Children with Slow Processing Speed
Games and Activities That Improve Processing Speed
Can video games improve processing speed?
Video Games and Processing Speed – Research and Recommendations
Best Web Resources for a Child with Slow Processing Speed
Strategy Over Speed: Improve Slow Mental Processing
Help Kids with Slow Processing Speed Show What They Know
Featured image: Flickr user Ralph Bean