5 Great iPad Spelling Games for Kids

Spelling Games for Kids

Practicing spelling has never been easier thanks to the explosion of spelling games for kids on the iPad app store. Word games allow children to increase their vocabulary and learn proper spelling without the need for constant copying and memorization. Making the process of learning to spell a fun and exciting activity is important for reluctant learners, helping make the task of practicing spelling skills feel like less of a chore.

Each of the games listed below offer players an incentive and form of reward for their efforts, giving children an extra push to improve their spelling skills over time. Read on for our top picks, selected based on the game’s ability to keep children engaged, excited, and — most importantly — learning.

Scribblenauts Remix

Scribblenauts-RemixScribblenauts Remix brings practicing spelling to a whole new level. The game invites players to solve a series of unique challenges by summoning an enormous variety of helpful items, people, and animals. Here’s the twist: to summon a new item, players spell it out using the in-game keyboard. Scribblenauts Remix allows children to practice creative problem solving while also providing a platform to practice spelling a number of unique nouns and adjectives correctly. Learn more in our Scribblenauts Remix review.


Draw Something 2

Draw Something 2Draw Something 2 reintroduces Pictionary for the mobile app generation. Players are tasked with drawing a wide variety of unique subjects for a teammate who must successfully guess the subject using a random selection of letters. Successfully guessing what each drawing represents requires players to be able to accurately spell the drawing’s subject. Children will enjoy both drawing and guessing, providing an opportunity for creative expression, practicing fine motor skills, and especially practicing spelling. Find out more in our Draw Something 2 review.



IRuzzleRuzzle, players are presented with a randomized grid of assorted letters. In the time provided, players must form as many unique words as possible by dragging their finger over any connecting letters. Players may only gain points for real and properly spelled words, necessitating that children successfully construct letters into words rather than simply making guesses. Ruzzle can be a fun and unique way to practice constructing and properly spelling words as players work to defeat their own high scores and the high scores of their friends. Uncover more in our Ruzzle review.


Words With Friends

words-with-friendsWords With Friends is a two-player app similar to the board game Scrabble. Players are provided a small selection of letters and must take turns playing these letters on the “game board” for points. In order to play a word, it must be correctly spelled, providing players an excellent opportunity to practice their spelling skills. Because the letters provided to the player are randomized and vary greatly, players must be able to be creative and successfully spell a wide variety of words of varying letters and lengths. Making spelling and vocabulary a competition between friends and family is an excellent way to motivate children to practice properly constructing words. See our Words With Friends review for details.

Letris & Friends

LetrisLetris & Friends contains three mini-games which each require players to practice locating, forming, and spelling words. Game types include Snake, Letris, and WordMatrix each with unique mechanics. As with similar spelling games, players my challenge friends, family members, or peers to matches working to gain an advantage in score by locating and utilizing more words with greater varieties of letters and lengths. Letris & Friends can help players expand their vocabulary while learning how to form and spell a wide variety of new words. Our Letris & Friends review explains.

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