
LQ: 8.8


Brain grade: 9.5
Fun score: 8.1

Platform/Console: , , , , , LWK Recommended Age: 10+ Thinking Skills Used: , ,

Roblox is a robust website, program, and mobile application that allow users to design, create, and play unique digital environments and games. Users can begin construction of their digital environment, called “Places,” using Roblox’s downloadable software which comes equipped with a large selection of pre-crafted building materials, props, and landscaping options. For more advanced users, Roblox allows “scripting” to create special conditions, actions, or game mechanics within the digital environment. Paid subscribers receive additional benefits, including expanded options in creating customized props and building materials, in game currency, and the ability to build a larger number of Places. Completed games and environments can be shared with the Roblox community where players can explore each other’s creations. Younger users should not have difficulty playing many of the Roblox games, however, creating unique Places can be quite complex. Parents should know that while numerous safety measures are implemented and monitored by Roblox, all content is user-created, so we recommend parents still monitor their children’s use of Roblox to ensure inappropriate material is avoided. Due to the complexity of the application, we recommend using Roblox with kids ages 10 and up, under parental supervision.



Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.

ROBLOX-Studio-2.0-Screenshot2Users can practice their Organization thinking skill in a variety of ways while using Roblox. When creating a new "Place" in Roblox Studio, users must arrange the tools and options available in their workspace to foster maximum productivity and efficiency. This includes opening and arranging necessary windows which display a variety of vital information. Users also utilize their organization skills when creating the layout of their digital environment. Other users will not want to visit a "Place" that is chaotic, disorganized, or difficult to navigate through, making a proper utilization of space and materials essential to success.


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

When creating a new "Place" or when updating an existing one, users who begin with a clear objective and a strategy to achieve their goals will find greater success than those who do not. Planning in Roblox includes developing a theme or setting, choosing relevant materials, and designing a layout for structures and other important objects for users to interact with. Poorly planned "Places" are often unattractive to visitors and greatly diminish playability. Users can browse the Roblox community sampling other players' creations and making note of well executed elements. Levels should be easy to navigate, fun to explore, and include details which enhance users' playing experiences rather than detract from them.

Working Memory

Recalling and retaining information in our mind while working.

Roblox iPhone AppIntegral to working in Roblox Studio is obtaining a familiarity with the layout of different essential tools and options. A robust program with an enormous number of customizable options and tools, Roblox Studio requires users to learn a number of functionalities in addition to where and how to deploy these tools. A large portion of creating a new "Place" includes populating the landscape with pre-designed blocks, scenery, and architecture. Recalling where items are located within the menus, how to utilize the different tools for arranging and building with these objects, and altering their texture and appearance all require users to exercise the Working Memory thinking skill.

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