Increasing Your Child’s Efficiency With Time Management Skills

“Work smart, not hard.” 

We’ve probably all heard this phrase, and that’s because there’s wisdom in it. Working hard isn’t enough if one’s approach to the work is disorganized and […]

Strengthening Your Child’s Executive Functioning Skills At Home

Homeschooling (and other external factors, such as COVID-19) can lead to the location of the majority of a child’s learning to be in the home. Some parents may be wondering, […]

Screen Time and Your Child

As the popularity and accessibility of online games increase, our children become more and more exposed to them; monitoring your child’s internet access and online presence has never been so […]

App Spotlight for Parents: Epic Win!

Welcome to Learningworks for Kids App Spotlight for Parents! In this series, we are highlighting some key apps for children and families and defining the key executive functions that can […]

Timo Routine


Timo Routine is a task management and habit creation app specifically designed for children. The app is designed to work for children under thirteen years old with the assistance […]

Meet Our Teachers!

In this new series, we are introducing our audience to the Learningworks Live team! Each post will introduce you to a new member of our team and provide you with […]

LW4K Video Series: What Is Time Management?

Welcome to our new LW4K Video Series where we take an executive function skill and break it down into easy-to-understand examples. This series also provides examples of video games […]

Meet Our Staff!

In this new series, we are introducing our audience to the Learningworks Live team! Each post will introduce you to a new member of our team and provide you with […]

Mindful Powers


Mindful Powers is a mindfulness app specifically designed for children. Once the app is opened, the child is introduced to a creature called the Flibbertygibbit, a polygonal entity who […]

LW4K Video Series: What is Focus?

Welcome to our new LW4K Video Series where we take an executive function skill and break it down into easy-to-understand examples. This series also provides examples of video games […]