Mini-Guide: Dice Smash
Dice Smash presents players with an arcade-like puzzle in which they must combine as many die faces as quickly as possible to keep the board clear as long as they […]
Dice Smash presents players with an arcade-like puzzle in which they must combine as many die faces as quickly as possible to keep the board clear as long as they […]
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is Nintendo’s newest entry in a franchise that started in 1986. In this chapter, Link wakes to find himself in a high-tech […]
This week on LearningWorks For Kids we hop back to Stardew Valley! If you missed our first Stardew Valley Let’s Play, you can watch it here. Stardew Valley is an […]
Dragon Quest Builders is a spinoff of the classic Dragon Quest video games, set amidst the forests and mountains of its original world of Alefgard. Offered as an alternate ending […]
Have you ever thought about how often you need to organize your Minecraft inventory? When it’s time to make a structure or finish a project, it’s hard to do when […]
Practice makes perfect. But is perfection really important?
Not as important as the practice. Practice builds the type of confidence that helps children develop a more persistent approach to difficult […]
Popplet is a simple and easy-to-use brainstorming app that helps users develop stronger organizational, memory, and writing skills. It’s a place to organize ideas on the iPad, iPhone or web, […]
One size does not fit all when it comes to organization. It is often the parents’ role to help children find the organizational styles most helpful to them and be […]
Many children who struggle with prioritization and planning in time management seem to be lost, appearing to tread water without any clear direction. They often require external support and need […]
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