
LQ: 8.5


Brain grade: 8.9
Fun score: 81

Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Thinking Skills Used: , ,

YouNote! is a flexible note-taking app that facilitates drawing, typing, and voice-recording personalized notes. The app can also utilize GPS to record where notes are taken, and a contact list can be used to tag others in notes. Keeping track of multiple notes is easy with YouNote! as it allows users to “tag” notes with searchable keywords and arranges past notes in alphabetical order automatically. This app comes in both free and paid versions with some additional features included in the Unlimited addition such as emailing notes, sending notes via bluetooth, and securing the app with a customized password. YouNote! is easy to use and appropriate for any user ages 6 and up.

YouNote! can help improve Flexibility, Organization, and Self-Awareness.


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

YouNote! is a great way to keep track of and remember individual tasks and personal tips. As assignments in school or tasks at home begin to pile on, there's always a chance something will be forgotten. This app lets users make easy to locate, sorted, and tagged notes in a number of handy formats. When new tasks or expectations arise, users can simply add them to their notes, including relevant and helpful information, dates, times, locations, and even pictures if necessary. Being able to adjust for new responsibilities is made easier when there is an app in the user's corner keeping them organized.


Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.

This app offers a number of helpful features for keeping users organized. With YouNote! users can take notes or leave reminders in a number of formats including voice-messages, text, and photos. Keeping track of locations, assignments, and other important appointments is easy with this app's locational and contact settings, which allows users to assign a person or specific location to their notes. Additionally, YouNote! offers some great features for keeping a large number of personal notes organized and easy to locate. The app can sort notes in alphabetical or chronological order with a single touch and also offers users the ability to "tag" their notes with keywords to be located through the app's internal search feature.


Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

YouNote!'s strongest selling point is its ability to take notes and reminders in multiple formats. Users' learning styles and preferences vary greatly, and this app is prepared to accommodate them all. For users who find they learn and remember best through auditory learning, YouNote! offers voice-recorded note taking. For visual learners, this app allows users to create picture, video, or even hand-drawn notes and reminders. Users who find they learn and remember instructions and tasks best from writing them down can also create notes in traditional text-based format. Users can determine which style works best for themselves based on different tasks and reminders, tailoring their personal YouNote! library to match their needs.

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